Assuming you have your backup under $backup_dir
, the reading list is stored in the sqlite database file $backup_dir/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.db
, under the table bookmarks
This table also contains favourites, which can be distinguished from reading list bookmarks by the fact they have no value for the column extra_attributes
. Therefore, we can use the following query:
select url,titlefrom bookmarkswhere url not like '' and extra_attributes not like '';
To import these in browsers, we can transform the entries into Netscape Bookmark File Format. You can use, for example, the following AWK script:
#!/usr/bin/awk -fBEGIN { print \"<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>\n" \"<!--This is an automatically generated file.\n" \"It will be read and overwritten.\n" \"Do Not Edit! -->\n" \"<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n" \"<TITLE>Bookmarks</TITLE>\n" \"<H1>Bookmarks</H1>\n" \"<DL><p>"}/^[[:space:]]*$/ { next }{ split($0, parts, "|") url = parts[1] title = separator = "" for (i=2; i in parts; i++) { title = title separator parts[i] separator = "|" } print "<DT><A HREF=\"" url "\">" title "</A>"}END { print "</DL><p>" }
In sum, you can do all this with the following bash "one-liner":
echo "select url,titlefrom bookmarkswhere url not like '' and extra_attributes not like '';" | \sqlite "$backup_dir"/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.db | \./"$awk_script"> bookmarks.html